Book Review: Odie Speaks for the First Time, About Brothers and Sisters
Age Range: 3+
Author: DaBarbara Branic Davis
Page Publishing, Inc
New York, NY
ISBN: 978-1-68213-187-9
Odie is a puppy with a special gift who is adopted by a family with three children, Sissy, Gidget, and Puck. The three children all have different interests, but they all have at least two things in common: they love playing together, and they love Odie. The story tells of the different adventures the children have together through the course of their make believe games. Finally, they invent a game in which they are trying to break a spell that will allow their favorite pup Odie to speak to them. Much to their surprise, after a great deal of patience and teamwork, their dog does the unbelievable and speaks to them in rhyme! Odie’s gift is just for him and the children, as he tells them he will return to barking as usual if others come around. The story ends with the promise of new adventures.
This is such a wonderful family story. While the harmony that the kids seem to experience day in and day out with each other may not be how things are every day with siblings, it does show how things are on the best of days with siblings. I love that the kids in this story seem to get along and be best friends. It lines up with what I was always told growing up and what I try to pass on to my kids…your siblings are your best friends! Certainly my kids being friends during their lives ranks high on my hopes as a parent.
Despite the apparent ease of the children’s friendship with each other, they also show they can stick together to work on a problem. They do this through pretend play, but that seems perfectly appropriate for children.
The themes of teamwork, patience, use of the imagination, and brothers and sisters getting along are sure to be winners for parents.
The illustrations are big and bright in this book, and really seemed to capture the attention of my 5-year-old. The author says to look for more adventures with Odie and the kids. I look forward to that and hope the children will involve the parents in their new found secret with their pup.
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